Monthly Archives: June 2021

When your negativity gets the better of you…

“Vaccine passport, please,” the usher requested.

“I’m sorry,” he replied sheepishly. “I’ve been vaccinated, but left my passport at home.”

“That’s not good enough,” the usher replied in a harsh tone. “If you can’t provide proof, then you can’t sit here. There’s plenty of seats available for you between section 504 and section 516. Please go there now.”

Sections 504-516. He hoped he wouldn’t have to sit there, but the rules were strictly enforced. 

The following was an excerpt from my latest short story: Post-Pandemic SkyDome

There’s more to this story and you can find the full version by clicking on this link.

Thank you to Ari Shapiro for publishing it.


Sorry Coach

Sorry Coach
I can’t pitch today
My brain won’t stop overthinking
and it’s impossible for me
to live in the moment
because my mind rejects the notion

Sorry Coach
I can’t pitch today
It’s a war zone outside
Petty problems are being solved
with guns and knives
and I’m scared a bullet is going to find me
one day

Sorry Coach
I can’t pitch today
The pandemic ruined lives
and the hysteria nearly killed me
What’s normal now is painful and lifeless

Sorry Coach
I can’t pitch today
I come from a beautiful country
But it has a glaring flaw
that overshadows everything
and it makes me sick
because it was my fault
and I can’t undo the trauma

Sorry Coach
I can’t pitch today
Microbloggers threaten me to think a certain way or else
Their condescending tone outweighs the message
and fuels my anxiety

Sorry Coach
I can’t pitch today
There’s too much pressure
to be “The Man”
to have a spine
to have gumption
to “tell it like it is”
to be aggressive
to fight back
I don’t want to do any of that
I was never wired that way

Sorry Coach
I can’t pitch today
I’m scared of getting taken advantage of
I’m scared of failing
I’m scared of being made an example of
I’m scared of getting hurt
I’m scared of dying

Sorry Coach
I can’t pitch today
But I might tomorrow