A short note about watching the Blue Jays on CFTO – Channel 9, Cable 8

During the harsh winter months, I’m grateful for YouTube channels like this one.

Watching matches from the past help fill the void when I’m missing the Jays.

It also provides powerful nostalgia. Fond memories of my childhood when things were less complicated.

This brings me to the core of the dispatch:

When I was much younger, there was only one place I wanted to be every Wednesday at 7:30 pm: In front of the TV, watching Labatt’s Blue Jays Baseball on CFTO, Toronto’s CTV affiliate.

Back then, the Jays’ television rights were split between CTV, TSN and CBC. My home didn’t have cable and CBC’s schedule didn’t kick in until after the Stanley Cup playoffs. So, Channel 9 (Cable 8) was my primary option to watch games; usually Wednesdays and Sundays.

Having watched many games over the years, the CTV presentation left an impression on me. Maybe it was the opening music and graphics. Maybe it was Fergie Olver, wearing a branded blazer, welcoming us and asking “How about those Blue Jays?”. Maybe it was the sheer professionalism of Don Chevrier and Tommy Hutton.*

Maybe it was all of the above.

It is certainly fun watching broadcasts from this era. There are no computer-generated strike zones, nothing to tell me how fast a pitch was thrown or a miniature scoreboard at the bottom of the screen. I’m even chuckling while watching games with unlimited mound visits and relievers being taken out after facing one batter.

It’s old school baseball for a goofy xenial like me. That doesn’t necessarily mean the old school is the best, but more of a different school instead.

If anything, it’s triggering happy recollections and there’s nothing wrong with that.


*I’m old enough to remember watching games on CFTO, but not old enough for Tony Kubek’s tenure.

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